Since ancient times, people have used various methods of divination to look into their future, to prevent the occurrence of unwanted events and understand the best development of a situation. Divination is found in all societies, ancient and modern, although the methods and techniques of ancient has their differences. A lot of readings are already forgotten, but with time there have appeared a lot modern and new. In ancient times, often rituals were associated with divination, which is the important connection between God and the people. From early days of Christianity, divination began to be persecuted by the church, while being presented as witchcraft and black magic.
Nowadays, despite the prohibitions of the church, divination has preserved. The word Divination comes from Latin divinare "to foresee, to be inspired by a god", related to divinus, divine is the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of an occultic, standardized process or ritual. Many people around the world accept divination, as a link with the higher mind, as a sign of fate. Undoubtedly, if God wanted us to know the future, we would know it. Although we are not given this knowledge, God is merciful and has left us many ways that allow us to look into it. Either through dreams, through conversations with other people, by strange premonitions and moments of deja vu. These are the ways of our subconscious.our intuition that leads us in difficult times. Virtual, online divination, is nothing different from this.
Actually it is a method to connect with your subconscious.In this case you do not turn to mediums and fortune tellers, you search for an answer in yourself and a special computer program that shuffles the cards and gives you an answer that you can interpret through intuition or the divine in you.All of this is absolutely free for you here, you don't have to register or pay for anything. There, numerous varieties of virtual divination, it this site you can find some of the most popular and will continually add new.The choice is yours whether to believe or accept everything is just for fun.

The whole history of tarot cards it is full of mystery. There are many hypotheses about where they came from. But it does not matter, the important thing is that they are most accurate and detailed, can explain a situation and its development. The only obstacle to Tarot Reading is its complexity, as there are too many interpretations and complex layouts. On our site are presented mostly basic and simple layouts with detailed interpretations. Free online Tarot Reading will help you get information so that you can control your future and be ready for all sorts of surprises.

Marie Lenormand is a very talented fortune teller , her natural gifts, combined with intelligence led to creation a new deck of cards. Unlike any on the deck of ordinary playing cards, it had a completely different philosophy, and was filled with different content, lets you take a look at most of the questions quite differently. The deck of playing cards has changed completely, all the values are interpreted, all the cards are assigned to their own values. All were randomly divided into negative, positive and neutral. Everyone is in the image of animal, plant, natural phenomena or place. The collection of free online divinations are very understandable and accessible because you constantly get hints in the form of images.

In this section we collected various oracles and divination, which can answer your questions, steer you to the right decision or are just fun to spend time. Readings will help you understand intuitively what decision is best to take in a situation. This prediction is mostly for entertainment than serious instrument of knowledge of the future and the present. Therefore, we recommend that you treat it properly and in no way upset by the responses received.

Each nation has its own methods of divination. Runes are a mirror of the world for the people of the north. It is well known that the Vikings often resort to rune reading to determine what will happen to them and clarify their future. Rune readings are a perfect system covering various forces and phenomenons existing in the world and finding its reflection in the human nature. They can answer any questions. All of our online divinations with rune reading are absolutely free and have the necessary explanations and interpretation.

People have always wanted to know the future. This desire has not changed and today in the modern times, the playing cards are the most accessible and popular because it is believed that they are endowed with magical powers and are able to open the door to the mysteries of our future. Today there are many ways guessing cards and their interpretations, but we have selected the most common. Believe it or not - it's up to you. But we know that the cards not only allow you to look into the future, but are also a great way to spend your time.

They say to each person there is always a guardian angel. Unfortunately, we can not always hear the message of the angels, and sometimes simply ignore them. To find out what your guardian angel wants to tell you, use a free online divination. It is not necessary to ask a question or describe the situation occurred, just ask your guardian angel to help with advice. If you're sad, if you feel fear or anxiety, the angel cards filled with positive energy will help find hope, peace and good mood.
Deck Symbolon - is an accurate and careful assistant on mental states, the study of personality and relations with partners, subconscious motivs. Simbolon can serve as a tool for deep self-analysis and entring into the deepest part of the soul and psyche. It shows you the darkest place in your heart. Only when you know this place - you will be able to work on it. Therefore, these cards are widely used as personal therapy. But practice shows that they can be used for predicting the future.

In the world there are many different systems to forecast, and in this section we have gathered the most interesting divination cards. They allow to obtain clear and precise answers and often comprehensive information on the latest developments in the situation. They say that fate does not like to reveal its secrets, but often it raises the veil of mystery, giving us tips and intuitive signs. One way to get these hidden signs are online divination, mainly with cards.